Lake Livingston Dam Improvements

Location: Lake Livingston, TX
Project Type: Refurbishment
Trinity River Authority
Kevin Ward, GM 817 467-4343
Turner, Collie & Braden, Inc.
Bruce Baumel 713 780-4100

Project Scope

The project included refurbishment or replacement of all operational components of the dam spillway. The new concrete control room structure houses the new standby generator & switchgear to operate the floodgates in the event of power failure. Boyer Inc. means and methods included design and fabrication of an additional set of stop logs and two 40’ work platforms for performing tainter trunnion pin replacements. Complete replacement of power distribution system, a new SCADA system to control twelve tainter gates. Tainter gate refurbishment included trunnion pin design and replacement, new gate seals, repair and replacement of face skin wear plates and new protective coatings. Construction of in-river erosion control structure includes approximately 14,000 CY structural concrete work required diversion of the Trinity River flows with coffer dams.

Project Details

Original Construction Cost:
Final Construction Cost:
Date of Notice to Proceed:
Type of Construction:
Original Substantial Completion:
Actual Substantial Completion:
Final Payment Dates:
Project Manager:
Billy Kelley/Gary Wachsmann
Project Superintendent:
Leeman Kelley/ David Mack
MEP subcontractors:
Boyer Self Performed
Length of Relationship with Owner:
30 years